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The large number of practicing lawyers at LEX means that the firm is able to provide services from specialists in the field each time.
LEX law offices offers litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services in every major field of Icelandic law.

Market Soundings on the Icelandic Financial Market – New procedures after the implementation of MAR

16. December, 2020

Stefán Orri Ólafsson, attorney and partner at LEX, wrote an article in the Icelandic newspaper Fréttablaðið, where he discusses a bill for a new law on market abuse which is intended to replace the current provisions of the law on securities transactions on the handling of insider information, insider trading and market manipulation. The proposed law will implement Regulation of the European Union and the Council (EU) no. 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR). One of the new measures prescribed by the bill is special provisions on so-called market soundings. The implementation of these provisions will have a significant impact on market participants in Iceland, including issuers of listed financial instruments, large investors and market advisers. These market participants will need to adopt new, more formal procedures when communicating on the basis of market soundings.

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